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Youth Red Cross Volunteer Changing Lives in Naivasha

The Kenya Red Cross (KRSC) is one of the many International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement societies around the world. The Kenya Red Cross organization was established in 1965.

Red Cross is a humanitarian organization mainly involved in disaster response, particularly road traffic accidents among others and to alleviate human suffering. To this end, KRSC is able to mobilize resources to offer quality humanitarian service in a transparent and accountable manner.

Red Cross and Red Crescent sole purpose is to help those who suffer, without discrimination, whether during conflict, in response to natural or man-made disasters, or due to conditions of chronic poverty.

The Kenya Red Cross supports and runs a number of projects while promoting responsiveness to the Kenyan public about the contemporary issues and problems which may affect them. Some of the projects which are run by and assisted by the Kenya Red Cross are Famine, blood services, first aid projects, disaster and emergency services and education services.

A council is responsible for day-to-day running of this humanitarian organization to administer and perform a number of duties, and is made up of the Secretary General and twelve voting members. All other responsibilities are held by the Board which consists of 16 persons.

To supplement its humanitarian efforts, Kenya Red Cross launched a first-of-its-kind humanitarian app, the KRCS App, which offers users real-time emergency alerts and life-saving tips, activities, easy access to Membership and Volunteerism, events and training from Kenya Red Cross, job posts plus different groups. Youth groups and volunteer groups are made available where members can connect and share ideas.

The Kenya Red Cross is constantly looking for individuals who share the same values and beliefs to volunteer their services on humanitarian ground. One of the most important traits of a volunteer at the Kenya Red Cross is being selfless and having no aspiration to gain anything from their actions.

As a volunteer, individuals are expected to support the humanitarian work of the organization and contribute towards improving the lives of those in need. By surrendering their time, skills, and resources, volunteers at the Kenya Red Cross actively demonstrate a dedication to serving others and making a positive impact on the community.

Indeed, being a volunteer at the Kenya Red Cross is not just a mission or a title, but a chance to give back, motivate change, and make a difference in the world. Membership fees vary by age and nature of supporting organization.

Kenya Red Cross is the second-largest humanitarian organization in the country, and in Naivasha, they use E-Plus ambulances for emergency response.

Volunteers are vital to the Kenya Red Cross in Naivasha not only for accident response but also for awareness campaigns in partnership with the Ministry of Health and other stakeholders.

One young man who is a volunteer of the Kenya Cross in Naivasha is changing lives, literally; easing their pain and doing his best to ensure they get the help they desire in times of need.

Stephen Maina, 29-year-old Head of Red cross, Naivasha branch joined Red Cross in 2015 as a volunteer. He started off in secondary school, then in university, and continues to offer humanitarian assistance to those in need in Naivasha today.

During COVID-19 pandemic, he was a frontrunner, creating awareness in Gilgil, Mai Mahiu, and Naivasha, which was heavily affected and is currently awareness on the Mpox outbreak within Gilgil and Naivasha Sub counties.

Red Cross in Naivasha is mainly involved in disaster response, particularly road traffic accidents. To this end Maina and team frequently respond to accidents along Naivasha Highway, including black spots like Karai Delamere and Morendat junctions where multiple bus fires and fatalities occurred.

“We experience at least two accidents involving vehicles or motorcycles on the Nairobi – Nakuru highway every week,” he says.

Some of the major incidents they have responded to include accidents in Naivasha, last year`s flash floods in Mai Mahiu, and Pwani university-related accident at Kayole area that killed more than ten students.

Red Cross was among the first responders during a flash flood in Maai – mahiu last year, saving lives, recovering victims, and providing counseling. They later set up a camp at Lucy   Evangelist Wagunjiri`s centre in Maai-mahiu to assist affected families to ensure they recover from the horrific night.

Maina says they recently trained 35 participants in first aid in Naivasha who will be critical for speedy response to accidents in their communities and work areas. “We also collaborate with organizations like the Naivasha Sexual and Gender -Based Violence (SGBV) cluster to support communities,”

In Kambi ya Turkana in Mai Mahiu, they partnered with Lifebloom, a non-governmental organization to donate a water tank and over 2,000 sanitary towels while raising awareness about mental health in the community.

Upcoming activities include the “Show Love, Save a Life” blood drive on February 14 to 15 which aims to collect pints to blood donation for hospitals around Naivasha to help save lives, particularly those of accident victims.

“As a Red Cross volunteer, I’ve learned that passion and willingness to help the needy are crucial. Challenges including hostility from communities, delays due to traffic, and lack of cooperation from road users have always affected the way they do their rescue operations,” Maina reminisces.

Funding is another challenge facing his organization since they rely on well-wishers and income-generating activities like humanity walks and gala dinners. KRCS in Naivasha has also partnered with stakeholders such as National Chapter for business and Young Men Christian Association (YMCA) and football fan clubs for this initiative.

They also have an upcoming event where they intend to do disaster management training in Naivasha to equip community members with life-saving skills. “We work with the fire brigade for extractions during accidents and we ensure that safety is a priority in our responses, and we urge the public to support us,”

Volunteer numbers have soared in KRCS in Naivasha have increased, and we run Red Cross clubs in schools, training students in first aid.  Due to their exemplary humanitarian work, KRSC in Naivasha branch have received recognition from YMCA and the Galaxy Awards in 2023 and 2024 for their work.

Maina says their aim now is to establish a Youth Resource Center in Naivasha, estimated to cost Sh 700,000 to equip young people with various skills and mental well-being support.

He is now calling on donors to come up and support this initiative.

By Mabel Keya- Shikuku 



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