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World Vision delivers Sololo water project

The World Vision Kenya has put a smile to about 12,000 residents of Sololo town and its environs after it delivered two water projects bringing to an end an acute water shortage spanning for decades.

The organization which also marked its 50th year of existence in Kenya has also extended support to the local Moyale Constituency bursary kitty with a donation of Sh9 million to enable needy students to continue with their education.

World Vision country director Gilbert Kamanga said the project which entailed the sinking and equipping of two boreholes at a cost of Sh26 million was informed by the suffering that members of the community particularly women and children endured when sourcing for the essential commodity.

Kamanga pointed out that the organization implemented the project in collaboration with the Moyale constituency development office and the Omeriye Foundation in line with the government’s Vision 2030 development plan.

He said during the commissioning of the project that would provide 976 households with potable water for both domestic and livestock use that the availability of the essential service would also enhance access to quality education for local children.

On the same note, the country director advised local communities who are predominantly pastoralists against the practice of early marriages and to instead embrace education in order to accord their children a bright future irrespective of gender.

“It is only through education that this community can realize growth and sustainable development” he stated and urged for a stop to early marriages and other retrogressive customary practices that hinder transformation of lives.

Kamanga called for the formation of water user committees at the village level to oversee the installation of connections to households and the prudent use of the supply.

He emphasized for sustainable management of the project through the installation of master meters at the two boreholes and at the household level saying that would ensure every drop of the water produced is accounted for.

“The project management committee for this project should come up with a reasonable charge for the water to the consumers in order to raise some money to run and maintain it sustainably” he advised.

He said that it is the mission of the organization to provide needy communities with clean water, which by extension enhances public health and enables children to access education.

Consequently, women and girls who are charged with the responsibility of fetching water will be able to utilize their time that was hitherto spent in looking for water in more productive activities like business and attending school.

Sololo sub-county Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Robert Nzuki thanked the organization and the other development partners for complimenting the government’s efforts towards availing clean water to Kenyans.

Nzuki noted with appreciation that the residents who have been relying on supply from water vendors, whose nearest source for the commodity was at Makutano area, nine kilometers away, will now have piped water at their homes.

The DCC further observed that women and girls have been trekking for many hours searching for water, which was both exhausting and time-consuming.

“Other sources that were available only during and immediately after the rains like pans were not fully reliable and could also be contaminated,” he said.

The DCC underscored the important role of partnerships in accelerating development and noted that World Vision had helped the government and communities to achieve a lot in the health, nutrition, water, and education sectors during its 35-year presence in Marsabit County.

Are MP Prof. Guyo Wako said the local National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NG-CDF) was able to pay school fees for 700 needy students with the help of World Vision, which boosted the bursary kitty of Sh70 million with Sh9 million.

Prof. Wako added that the recent drought, which destroyed the sources of livelihood for the local communities made many students vulnerable and thanked the organization for the support.

By Sebastian Miriti

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