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Water tanks project to improve hygiene in Kiharu

Several schools in Kiharu constituency have benefited from mega water storage tanks via a project sponsored by an American faith-based charity organization.

The water tanks constructed by the Can-Do-Kids Organisation under the patronage of Karanja Wamatangi have helped the institutions harvest rainwater and improve hygiene in the schools.

The 300,000-litre capacity water tanks have helped the schools harvest rainwater and enabled learners to access the commodity throughout the year.

On Friday, Wamatangi led a team from Fresh Water Church of Minnesota in the USA to launch a new tank at Gitige Secondary School, and he said among the 85 tanks, six were constructed to support the local community with clean water.

He noted their target is to construct a tank in each public secondary and primary school and also in some public institutions like hospitals, colleges, markets, and churches.

“Our target is to have 165 mega tanks, and we can confirm we are doing well in this mission to ensure the challenge of water, especially in schools, is eliminated,” noted Wamatangi.

He said that Can-Do-Kids is currently working with various organisations, including churches, both locally and in the USA, to ensure the programme of constructing the tanks is fully realised.

“Here in Murang’a, we have partnered with the Catholic and ACK churches to actualize the programme of having the tanks, especially in the learning institutions,” he added.

A local priest, Fr. Clement Mwangi, representing the Diocese of Murang’a, lauded the programme, saying some of the schools sponsored by the diocese have benefited from it.

“The schools that we sponsor with the tanks have exhibited improvement in terms of hygiene. The learners are not subjected to fetching water from nearby streams. We appreciate the support from our American friends who have supported the construction of the tanks,” noted Fr. Mwangi.

Pastor John Braland of Freshwater Church observed that they have sponsored water programmes in drier areas of the country.

Braland underscored the importance of the construction of water storage tanks, saying that once in place, rainwater will be collected and preserved to be used during the dry season.

“We hope this tank will be of great benefit to the Gitige school fraternity, and I promise members of my church will continue to support this programme to relieve locals from water challenges,” he added.

Meanwhile, Wamatangi called on the government to change the procedure for issuing bursaries to needy learners.

He proposed that the money meant for bursaries should not be channelled through Members of Parliament, noting that currently, some students are disadvantaged due to reasons of political partisanship.

“These bursary funds should be channelled through schools, but not MPs. Many learners have been disadvantaged since the process of issuing the bursaries is sometimes biased. I wish the money were channelled to schools to cater for tuition, and a parent is left to pay for meals,” stated Wamatangi.

Every child, he added, has a right to education, saying some students from poor backgrounds are left at the mercy of well-wishers, yet bursaries are always given by the government.

By Bernard Munyao

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