Home > Agriculture > Vulnerable pastoral communities benefit from Gala goats for breed improvement

Vulnerable pastoral communities benefit from Gala goats for breed improvement

About 326 vulnerable pastoral households in Laikipia North Sub County in Laikipia County have benefited from a donation of Gala goats worth Sh 17.4 million that are aimed for breed improvement in the area.

The Gala goats which were distributed by National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) in Partnership with the Indigenous Movement for Peace Advancement and Conflict Transformation (IMPACT) targeted families which had lost their livestock due to drought.

NDMA CEO Hared Adan speaking in Kimanjo, Laikipia North during the distribution exercise said that the initiative would boost restocking in the pastoral communities.

‘’We are supporting the communities in restocking, in Mukogodo East and West were the most affected by the prolonged drought and they lost their livestock,” said Rtd  Adan.

Additionally, the CEO pointed out that restocking was an initiative by the government to build resilience in the pastoral communities.

‘’The target is to restock the gala goats which have high milk production and meat and the bucks will be distributed to various groups for cross breeding aimed at improving the traditional breed,” said the CEO.

The CEO noted they had distributed about 250 bucks and some other 730 female gala goats for cross breeding.

Area member of Parliament Sarah Korere lauded the restocking exercise noting it would go a long way in enabling pastoral families rebuild their lives after their livestock were wiped out by severe drought.

‘’In partnership with the government, partners have brought gala goats that can sustain dry weather aimed at supporting the communities. It’s good since the government recognizes that livestock keeping is also important,” she said.

IMPACT board member Dr. Alfred Ole Mosiany reiterated that gala goats breed were drought resistant and had high milk production that would support the vulnerable pastoral communities to support their families.

Grace Larpei, one of the Gala goat beneficiaries, said the initiative was timely and would help the community improve their breed and at the same time boost their livelihood.

By Muturi Mwangi

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