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Transforming Early Childhood Education in Narok County

Narok County Government has made remarkable strides in improving Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) services for pre-primary learners at the grassroots level.

In a four-day tour of Emurrua Dikirr, Governor Patrick Ntutu commissioned multiple ECDEs classrooms at Kapsasian and Mogondo Wards, Trans Mara East Sub- County, aiming to enhance the learning environment for the county’s young learners.

Governor Ntutu highlighted the county’s commitment to upgrading educational infrastructure across the region.

He emphasised that the new ECDE classrooms would provide a safer, more conducive learning environment for young learners, who had previously been forced to study in semi-permanent structures.

These improvements are expected to make a lasting impact on the quality of education and learners’ engagement, offering children the space they need to grow, learn, and thrive.

The Governor also pointed out that the newly constructed classrooms would ease overcrowding, which had become an issue due to the growing population in many schools.

“By expanding classroom capacity, the county ensures that more children have access to early education, fostering their cognitive development in a better-equipped learning space,”he stated.

In Mogondo Ward, the classrooms commissioned include Ketendeita, Kibailuk, Kapsaos, Kemeliet, and Kabuson Central ECDE centers. While, in Kapsasian Ward, schools such as Koibeyot, Chebulu, Lelagoin, Kimolel, Cherokiyet, and Naisukut have benefited from the new facilities.

The recently commissioned ECDE centres are funded by the allocation for the 2022/2023 financial year, marking the successful completion of these projects.

Furthermore, the governor announced that this initiative aims to guarantee all children access to quality elementary education, regardless of their birthplace.

This strategy is part of the county government’s commitment to making ECDE centres readily available to young learners throughout the county, including those in rural villages.

The governor was accompanied by area Member of Parliament Johanna Ngeno, who praised the governor for prioritising education as a key concern in the county.

Kapsasian Ward Member of County Assembly, Jackson Ngok echoed Governor Ntutu’s sentiments, noting that these improved classrooms are a major upgrade from the previous dilapidated iron sheet structures.

The new ECDEs centres are expected to not only improve the learning experience but also encourage regular school attendance due to the proximity and quality of the facilities.

By John Kaleke

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