Kirinyaga Deputy Governor (DG) Peter Ndambiri has called on those with dissenting voices over the BBI initiative to stop criticising the document.
Ndambiri said those opposed should come out and say what they would wish to be added to make the country move at one pace.
The DG who speaking today at his Kajiji area said his honest opinion is that leaders should not oppose the document for purposes of just opposing but rather they should provide leadership by highlighting areas they feel should be addressed.

He said the feeling that the common Mwanchi is not receptive of the Initiative is because they have not read to understand the benefits.
Ndambiri said political leaders and the public at large should take the advantage of the window which has been provided by President Uhuru Kenyatta
The DG said already the President has provided a room for dialogue to make sure those with opposed views are given a chance to give their observations.
He said the council of governors met at Naivasha and gave their recommendations which included provision of pension after expiry of their terms in office.
“Let the window remain open to enable inclusion of people’s views, from the mainstream churches which include the Catholic and the NCCK plus other various interest groups who have expressed their views for addition.
He said there should be some time for consultations to avoid a situation of going to a referendum with a divided country.
“We don’t want to have a repeat of what took place in 2005 when we had a referendum with Banana pitting against the orange, which ended up dividing the country into two,” he said.
He said what resulted was violence with loss of life and properties which should be avoided at all cost.
“I want to call upon our leaders to exercise patience and allow for the capturing of diverse views which will make us speak with one voice,” he said.
By Irungu Mwangi