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Laikipia politicians warned against inciting locals

The  Laikipia County Commissioner (CC), Daniel Nyameti  has  warned local politicians against inciting area residents to resist the government’s move to flush out bandits and restore security. Nyameti said that local

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Help to manage cactus which is a great threat to animals in Laikipia County

Laikipia  County  government  officials and a team from Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate  Services (KEPHIS) met  on Friday to discuss the invasion of pasture lands by the cactus plant. The  Laikipia Governor,

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KMPDU softens stance on Laikipia doctors’ strike

Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists’ Union (KMPDU) Monday seemed to soften their stance on Laikipia County after 61 doctors were sacked by Governor Ndiritu Muriithi. The union chairman Dr. Oroko Ombegi

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