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State to expand mobile network connectivity in Narok

The Government is committed to ensuring that every corner of the country has Mobile Network connectivity, to enable all people to enjoy network facilities and access to Information and Communications Technology (ICT) services.

While addressing the media in Narok, the Principal Administrative Secretary (PAS), Eric Kiraithe, said the Ministry of Information, Communication, and Digital Economy is keen on boarding all government services online.

The PAS held a meeting with the National Government Administration Officers (NGAO), led by the County Commissioner (CC), Kipkech Lotiatia, where they discussed the mobile network connectivity project, the Universal Service Fund, and how Narok County has benefited from the connectivity.

Kiraithe named the 10 sub-locations connected in Phase 1 as Maji-moto,Enkutoto, Entasekera, Olngarua, Olmesutie, Mausa,Olorte,Elangata Enterit, Enkoireroi, Enkiperiao, and Enturoto, where the government has spent a total of Sh104.6 million for the connectivity project.

Kiraithe, however, said the Communication Authority (CA) is implementing Phase II of the mobile network connectivity project, which is targeting 101 unserved and underserved areas spread across the 19 marginalised counties in Kenya.

He added that in Phase II of the implementation, Narok has Enkoireroi and Enturoto sub-locations earmarked at a cost of Sh12.8 million.

Additionally, Kiraithe said the government is targeting 68 other Sub-locations in Phase IV for consideration for Mobile Network connectivity in Narok County. These areas are: Nkareta, Aitong, Oletukat, Enaiborr Ajijik,Enaramatishorieki,Ntuka, Cheichel, Enooseyia, Ildamat, Parkarara, Olkinyei, Olorropil, Empatipat, Olmariko, Kamurar,Ilikiai,Nkimpa, Oloirowua, Olenkuluo,Leshuta, Osarara, and Sagamian.

“There are a lot of areas that are not connected with mobile network connectivity, and therefore those citizens feel that they were left behind on development. The government is working to make sure that all people enjoy the network services,” said Kiraithe.

Kiraithe said the Communication Authority, through collaboration with NGAO, County government and other government agencies on the ground, is working closely on engagements to make sure the ICT services are serving the intended purpose.

Kiraithi noted that Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC), mostly depends on the internet, and the government is working hard to make sure all government social services have access to network connectivity, so that people can enjoy ICT services.

CC Lotitia said most of the County is not connected to mobile network connectivity, adding that the government is looking to open-up the ICT infrastructure in Narok.

By John Kaleke

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