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Sh200 million for completion of stalled health facilities in Murang’a

The Murang’a county administration will spend Sh200 million to complete 30 local medical facilities, stalled over the years, in a bid back to take medical services closer to the people.

Most of these moribund facilities, including health centres and dispensaries were started by the previous Constituency Development Fund (CDF) before 2015, when health function was still factored in the kitty.

However, after 2015 when the old CDF Act was amended and funding of devolved functions stopped, many of the health facilities, which were still under construction stalled.

Governor Irungu Kang’ata has said that once completed, residents will be relieved from the burden of traveling for long distances to seek for treatment.

The county administration will also expand the existing hospitals, added Kang’ata.

The governor spoke when he launched the Mbari ya hiti dispensary in Kahuro sub county, which stalled in 2013, but was recently completed and operationalized.

“Some of the stalled hospitals like Nyakianga health centre in Mathioya sub county will cost as much as Sh80 million. We opted to complete these facilities so that our people can easily access medical care,” he added.

Apart from Mbari ya hiti dispensary, other health facilities that have already been completed include Kigetuini and Karurumo in Kiharu and Kangema sub counties respectively.

Construction of Kagwathi and Kagera dispensaries in Kigumo and Kandara sub counties respectively, was on going, with the governor promising they that will be launched soon.

Kang’ata added that the money will also facilitate renovation of the casualty department at the Murang’a level-5 hospital and also fund completion of wards at Maragua and Kandara hospitals.

Residents who lauded the move, called on the county government to not only complete the buildings, but also ensure the renovated facilities have enough medical personnel and drugs.

George Mwita, a resident of Mbari ya hiti said the dispensary will be of great relief to them, since previously sick people were forced to seek treatment at Muriranjas sub county hospital or the Murang’a Level 5 hospital.

“As we appreciate the county government for completing this dispensary which has a fully loaded maternity ward, we pray that there will always be drugs and medical officers. It’s unfortunate for us to be directed most of the time to purchase prescribed medicine from private chemists,” observed Mwita.

On her part, Olivia Wanjeri hailed the completion of the maternity wing saying it was a big relief to expectant mothers who used to travel to other medical centres for delivery of their babies.

“The maternity ward is a big relief to us mothers, we want the facility to be always equipped with drugs so that we are not forced to be taken to hospitals far away from our homes during times of delivery,” she added.

By Bernard Munyao

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