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Senator wants constituents to support BBI

Isiolo Deputy Governor Dr. Abdi Issa speaking during Mashujaa celebrations in Isiolo town on Tuesday October 20, 2020.

Isiolo Senator Fatuma Dullo has asked the electorate to support Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) should the country be subjected to a national referendum saying it would be an opportunity to make a choice on better governance.
Ms. Dullo told the electorate to avoid being hoodwinked by selfish politicians to oppose the initiative warning that the leaders were likely to mislead them.
“I urge all of you to ensure you read and understand the BBI proposals and analyze them to see how it would benefit you and your lives,” the Senator said.
Speaking during the Mashujaa celebrations in Isiolo town Tuesday, Dullo advised the residents to support BBI if it addressed the youth, disabled persons and achievement of two-thirds gender rule that benefits women in representation in decision making platforms.
“We should not be left behind in making history of this republic by just opposing constitutional changes that could enhance governance of the country,” she added.
The senator also urged the National and County governments to address the teething boundary problems with neighbouring counties which she said had led to loss of many lives especially from Isiolo side.
She cited boundary problems the County has had with North Eastern, Samburu, Meru and Laikipia regions where the aggressors often invade Isiolo and kill people.
She appealed to the County Assembly of Isiolo to ensure community land is registered as the first step to address disputes in order to reduce deaths over land in the area.
Isiolo Deputy Governor Mr. Abdi Issa also urged the residents to support BBI because it would strengthen devolution and improve on governance.
He said the Mashujaa celebrations would be made rotational with Isiolo, Merti and Garbatulla Sub-Counties hosting the annual event alternately.

Retired civil servants following proceedings of the Mashujaa day celebrations in Isiolo.

Isiolo Deputy County Commissioner Mr. Andrew Mutua directed area residents who possess illegal firearms to surrender them saying the weapons were likely to be misused by cattle rustlers.
He said the politicians’ calls for return of guns to National Police Reservists (NPR) would be forwarded to the higher authority and feedback be communicated to them in due course.
By David Nduro

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