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Koskei urges administrators to intensify crackdown on illicit brews

The Head of Public Service and Chief of Staff, Felix Koskei, has called on Nandi County Administrators and security team to intensify their crackdown on illicit brews, saying that it has negatively impacted the youth.

Illicit brews refer to production and sale of alcohol beverages that are produced without proper licencing, regulation and quality control.

According to the Head of Public Service, these illegal brews often pose significant health risks to consumers due to unregulated production methods, a lack of quality control, and use of harmful and toxic substances in their production.

Koskei, who was speaking at Taito KTGA Secondary School in Nandi East Sub County during the 2023 annual general meeting, regretted that despite the president’s directive to curb all illicit brews, there were some business people who were conducting the illegal business, putting consumers’ health at risk.

He directed the administrators to hold a security meeting and come up with measures to curb alcohol and drug abuse menace in the county. “Local law enforcement agencies should actively collaborate with relevant authorities to crack down on illicit brewers and suppliers,” he said.

“Those conducting illegal brew businesses should face the full force of the law as a way to save our generation,” noted Koskei, adding that the County commissioners and the Deputy County commissioners should redouble their efforts and ensure they deter and punish those involved in the production and sale of such brews.

The Chief of staff said that it is possible to mitigate the risks associated with illicit brews through a comprehensive and multifaceted approach involving various stakeholders, including government, law enforcement agencies, communities and individuals.

“Alcoholism and drug abuse have to stop in Nandi County, starting from our homes. As individuals, we need to support our president, who is leading the war against illicit brews in our Country. This is a countrywide problem that has to be dealt with to avoid losing our generation,” he said.

Koskei further called upon parents to invest in their children’s education, noting that education is the best inheritance parents can bequeath their children adding that once acquired, it cannot be detached from a person as long as they are alive.

“Education is the only equaliser between the poor and the rich. Education is the best investment in life. Support your children’s education to equip them with the necessary knowledge in life,” explained Koskei.

By Ruth Mainye

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