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Security heightened over vandalism in Kitui

Kitui Security Team has heightened its security on critical installations against vandalism, area County Commissioner, Thomas Sankei, has said.

Speaking to KNA in Kitui, Sankei said that critical infrastructure installations within the County include power lines, water, telecommunication masts and road signage among others.

“Vandalism of critical installations has paralyzed service delivery in the past. The security team has upscaled surveillance and patrols on these areas,” he said.

The County Commissioner warned scrap metal operators to desist from buying vandalized materials suspected to be from government installations.

He also cautioned heavy trucks plying the newly built Sh 1.3 Billion Kamuongo-Kandwia-Kyuso low volume road in Mwingi North, against excessive tonnage detrimental to the road’s lifespan.

Sankei implored limestone companies operating mines in the area to monitor their loads, while using the road.

“Proper tonnage limit signage have been erected along the road. The maximum is ten tonnes. Those found flouting the regulations will be prosecuted,” he warned.

Sankei said that the low volume road has helped ease movement of people and goods in the area that is hampered during the rainy season.

“This road was dilapidated following years of neglect and erosion during the wet season. It was impassable and locals had difficulty seeking medical services among other needs. Those challenges will be addressed when this road is completed,” said the County Commissioner.

He said that enforcement officers from KeNHA will be deployed along the road to carry out impromptu road axle weight checks of trucks to deter any user from excessive loads.

“Improving feeder roads that connect rural areas with main roads and urban centres contributes to inclusive economic growth by generating new low-skilled jobs and providing access to further employment opportunities,’ said Sankei.

The CC decried that lack of reliable roads is affecting the nation’s economic growth, as it prevents rural communities from accessing essential products and public services, such as education, healthcare, water, and markets to sell crops and goods.

He said the development and maintenance of physical infrastructure, especially feeder roads is a prerequisite for rapid economic growth and poverty reduction in the country.

By Yobesh Onwong’a

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