Saturday, March 15, 2025
Home > Agriculture > Rice farmers at Ahero scheme receive help after heavy down pour

Rice farmers at Ahero scheme receive help after heavy down pour

The  Kisumu  County government has pledged Sh. 12.5 million towards purchase of inputs for farmers who incurred losses  after hailstones destroyed paddy rice at the scheme recently.

The hailstone caused havoc that led to 100 per cent paddy rice failure.

The  Kisumu  governor, Anyang’ Nyong’o  who visited the scheme to assess the effect of the destructive rain  on Monday said the county government would release the amount to cushion farmers from the loss.

“I have assessed the situation and I am satisfied that you need 100 per cent help from my government. This will help you bounce back and increase food production,” he said.

This comes after the National Irrigation Board (NIB) General Manager (GM), Gitonga Mugambi visited the scheme earlier on the same mission and said NIB is committed to support farmers across the country to increase crop production.

Mugambi  added that the effort will help in realizing the targets under the big four agenda on food and nutrition security.

The GM  said NIB has also issued a waiver on seed and water charges worth Sh. 4 million and further pledged support in providing seed and water required for the next cropping season.

Mugambi said NIB has adopted irrigation technologies geared towards increasing water use efficiency and optimizing production through precision farming.

The more than 1000 affected farmers also pleaded for cash to enable them settle outstanding bills.

“We are in a big dilemma. We plead with the county government to chip in and help us cater for our bills especially school fees,” said Dorcas Owino one of the affected farmers.

The governors asked them to forward the name of their school going children to his office to be considered for bursary.

By  John  Ochanda

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