Friday, September 20, 2024
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Residents want the Turkana East boundary demarcated

Residents of Turkana East have called on the County Government to draft a Spatial Plan that clearly demarcates the area boundaries to pave the way for accelerated development and uplift the lives of marginalized communities in the area.

Residents who turned up to give their views on the proposed 10-year County Spatial Plan at Katilia, Lokori, and Kapedo during an engagement meeting insisted that the demarcation was also critical in taming the insecurity menace in the region.

Esther Apua, a resident of Kapedo, noted that Kapedo had suffered insecurity and neglect due to border-related conflicts with the neighboring counties, despite its huge potential as a mineral prospecting site and a tourist attraction.

She said the sorry state could only be reversed with clearly demarcated boundaries and intentional investment in the mining sector.

Like many other residents, Apua remained optimistic about the newly formed Suguta Sub-County and said that the plan should take care of space for the new administrative unit in terms of residences, offices, and other utilities to urbanize the area.

Her position was echoed by other speakers, with calls for consideration of the pastoralist’s lifestyle, the upgrade of existing health facilities, the installation of security checkpoints, the improvement of the road network, and the installation of additional water points.

A team of officials from the County and National Governments including Stephen Barasa (County Surveyor), Austin Eregae (Land Administrator), and Shaban Lopenek (Ward Administrator) facilitated the engagements.

Similar engagements have been conducted throughout the county in the past month.

The Kapedo meeting marks the last public engagement over the spatial plan and paves the way for the finalization of the critical document through the inclusion of aspirations voiced by the members of the public.

By Peter Gitonga 

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