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Residents urged to prioritize water storage

The  Water  Resource Authority (WRA) has directed Isiolo and Meru residents to prioritize water storage as rationing before onset of October-December rains, even as rationing of the precious commodity intensified.

The  WRA  urged the residents to tap and store water for later use and avoid the wastage which results in lack of the resource for domestic and animals use.

The  Middle Ewaso Nyiro Catchment sub Regional Manager, Robinson Kimari said the authority would ensure people living downstream get water for domestic use by dealing with abstractors upstream but emphasized on the importance of storage of the resource for later use.

Kimari  said the authority has disconnected intakes for several community water projects with view to ensuring there was flow of water in Isiolo River until the onset of the rains.

The  Manager added that in near future the 159 abstractors will have their water metered and control valves installed to stop water wastage and interruption of the constant flow.

He said that all water users must be compliant to the water control regulations, before they get permits to draw quantities agreed on.

The water shortage in Isiolo town has led to severe rationing of the resource by Isiolo Water and Sewerage Company (IWASCO) in estates.

The shortage also resulted in increase in price the transporters and hawkers charge for a 20 litre jerry-can which is now selling at Sh.40 instead of Sh.20.

By  David  Nduro

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