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Relief as civil registration services office in Ngong town opened

Residents of Kajiado North can now have a sigh of relief, following the opening of Civil Registry Office at the Sub-county Headquarters in Ngong.

The residents have been having trouble registering for schools and deaths due to the high traveling charges they require when getting   Birth Certificates and recording for deaths.

According to Ministry of Immigration and Citizen Services, Principal Secretary (PS) Ambassador, Julius Bitok, only 85 percent of births are captured and therefore a 15 percent  gap.

Bitok said Kajiado North has a poor records in documenting deaths because only 30 percent of deaths is recorded therefore a 70 percent gap.

“We are opening this office under the Kenya Kwanza Administration under the invitation of Hon. Onesmus Ngongoyo. Mheshimiwa Ngogoyo came to my office with the aim of bringing services closer to the people. He told me that his people are having challenges of acquiring birth certificates and death certificates. The Kenya Kwanza Administration is committed in ensuring they bring services to the people. We are looking forward to teaming-up together, as we mobilize people to register. We are also looking forward to move the death record statistics from 30 percent to 100 percent.” Ambassador Julius said,

The PS notified that the government is moving towards digitizing and making civil services to be online.

He revealed that starting, March 1, 2023, all birth and death registrations, will be accessed through online portals, with people given unique Personal Identifier Number.

“After people register, one will be given the unique Personal Identifier Number. I would say that this number works similar with the Huduma  Number because it represents all your documents. This system will run for 18 years and therefore anyone born from March 1 will have the unique identifier number.” Ambassador Julius explained

According to the global practice all over is that the identification of a person, should be made one number. The government is upgrading from birth entry number to tell unique Personal Identifier Number.

According to the Member of Parliament (MP) Kajiado North Constituency,  Onesmus Ngongoyo, said he  has been  looking forward to the  day when  he could fulfill the promise he made to people when he was seeking for votes of office.

“I am delighted that we have worked to fulfil what we had promised. Children born two weeks ago will receive their birth certificates from the new office. It will only take a day to get the certificates. Everyone from Ngong and its environs will benefit from this office. It has really been a struggle, especially when enrolling children to school,”  Ngogoyo said.

During the event, the delighted residents were to have the Office in the Sub-county were urged to inform the relevant authorities, whenever people die, so that they may be put into records.

By Alice Gworo


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