Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Public officers urged to embrace team work

The incoming West Pokot County Commissioner (CC) Abdulahi Khalif has reiterated the need for a one-government approach towards effective delivery of government services.

Speaking during a handing over and taking over a meeting in Kapenguria, Khalif said he expects all departments to work as a team for the best service delivery to the residents.

He assured that he would execute his mandate as expected considering West Pokot as a familiar territory to him since he once served within the county as a Deputy County Commissioner for West Pokot Sub County from 2016 to 2020.

“I however have no monopoly of ideas but at least I have some knowledge about this area and I will pick from where I left off. I call upon each one of you to embrace teamwork because without cooperation and team spirit we are not going to achieve our mandates,” he stated.

He hailed the outgoing CC Apollo Okello referring to him as his mentor saying they have worked together closely before.

Okello on his part called on the departmental heads to cultivate a cordial working relationship highlighting that that is how public service works.

He noted that he had enjoyed working within the county for around seven years and wished that the cooperation among government officials would continue.

Area Governor Simon Kachapin who welcomed the new CC at his official residence said that they too were familiar to each other before.

Kachapin noted that the issues affecting the county were well known and his office would continue partnering with the national government in all sectors.

“Here we have no barriers between the county and the national government because we engage in very many common activities. After all, we are serving the same people and what they expect from the two levels of government is proper service delivery,” said the governor.

Khalif takes over from Okello who has been posted to the Western Regional Office.

By Richard Muhambe

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