Miti Mirefu residents in Molo are in shock after the body of a 46-year-old man was found dumped by the roadside in the early morning hours.
Area sub-county police boss, Joseph Njoroge confirmed the incident saying that investigations into the matter have already commenced.
According to Njoroge, police received information from the deceased’s brother, Peter Gitau concerning the incident and took action.
The body of the deceased identified as John Kirima had physical injuries on his right leg just below the ankle and the left hand fingers.
On the previous day before meeting his death, Kirima in the company of his workmates left their place of work and went to Miti Mirefu where they stayed until evening and he was left behind.
The place is notorious for sale of illicit brews and Gitau notes that his brother might have died at a drinking spree before his body was dragged and dumped by the roadside.
Kirima’s body was taken to Molo subcounty mortuary to await a postmortem examination.
As investigations proceed, the police boss warned those in illicit brew business and asked them to adhere to the curfew orders or else face the wrath of the law.
Additionally, he pointed out that the law will not be lenient to such traders as the liquor is harmful to one’s health and can even cause death hence they should follow the law to the letter.
He urged members of the public to embrace sobriety that will enable them improve their work output and contribute more to the country’s economy as opposed to consuming unlicensed liquor that costs them their lives.
By Emily Kadzo
Police investigate death of villager in Molo.