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Plans to institute university in Nyamira take shape

The long-anticipated desire by residents of Nyamira to have a chartered university of their own will soon come to fruition.

A feasibility assessment team led by Prof. Christopher Ngacho from Kisii University has assessed eight proposed locations where the anticipated university will be situated and will soon present a comprehensive report about the proposed sites and their suitability to the leadership of Nyamira County.

“We visited eight sites proposed by the leadership of Nyamira, which include Kiabonyoru, Ekerubo Gietai, Sere, Senator Kebaso Primary School, Riakimai, Kiabonyoru High School, Simbauti, and Sengera Manga. We shall present a comprehensive report on the findings from the assessment to both the Kisii University Senate and the county leadership to decide the appropriate location where the university will be situated,” Prof. Ngacho said.

He said the assessment exercise was flawless and appreciated the commitment and support from the leadership of Nyamira County, which clearly shows their zeal to have a university in their county.

Governor Amos Nyaribo congratulated the team for conducting the assessment expeditiously, noting that the entire Nyamira leadership and their people look forward to knowing when a university will finally be inaugurated in their county.

The major requirement for the institution of a university is spacious land of not less than 20 hectares owned on freehold or leasehold terms of not less than 45 years at the time of grant of a letter of interim authority or constituent college; at the same time, the institution must have a master plan to guide on land use at the institution.

Nyamira residents are eager to have an institution of higher learning of their own because it will boost multifaceted growth ranging from academic, economic, infrastructure, and other development innovations which will be initiated to meet the needs of the clients who will be coming to seek services at the institution of higher learning.

By Deborah Bochere

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