Home > Counties > Over a thousand identity cards lying uncollected in Lodwar, Turkana County

Over a thousand identity cards lying uncollected in Lodwar, Turkana County

Turkana County Service Delivery and Implementation Committee chaired by Turkana County commissioner Julius Kavita has raised concern over a report that 1800 identity cards are lying uncollected at the registrar of persons offices in Lodwar.

While acknowledging the seriousness of the issue, county registrar of persons Isaac Kipkurui said it is disheartening for the applicants to apply for the IDs and fail to pick them up from the office once they are ready.

 “Some of the applicants do not live far from Lodwar yet they have failed to come for their identity cards,” said Kipkurui.

County commissioner Julius Kavita said the officers in the department should liaise with the national government officers to ensure the IDs are dispatched to their holders.

“We need to collaborate and help identify the identity cards owners and take them closer to them,” said the county commissioner.

At the same time departmental heads were informed on the need to sensitize officers working under them to acquire maisha cards saying the cards would ease their movement within East Africa community member states.

“Soon anyone attending an interview for jobs or promotions would be required to produce the maisha card instead of the national identity cards,” said the county registrar of persons.

Participants said schools provided a good opportunity to ensure those who have attained 18 years acquire identity cards instead of waiting to get out of school to initiate the process of getting the critical documents.

Meanwhile, officers from the Kenya Wildlife Service said they had managed to nab 12 pieces of elephant trophies weighing 110 kg in the county.

The County commissioner noted that this had been made possible due to the teamwork between various agencies in the county.

By Peter Gitonga

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