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Outcry on Form one Selection

There is an outcry among teachers, parents and pupils in Homa-Bay County over form one selection confusion as some boys who sat for 2019 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) were selected to join Girls’ secondary schools during the exercise.

The boys included Crawly Junior Onyango (358) and Robert Otieno (361) who were selected to join Zambani Girls while Janssen Ochieng who scored 366 marks was selected to join Marsabit Girls.

The boys were at St Paul Catholic Education Center in Homa Bay Town Constituency
A spot check conducted by KNA revealed that many parents and KCPE candidates are living in dissatisfaction after discovering that some candidates were selected to join schools they never chose.
At Janeiro Junior Academy in Rangwe constituency, two students who have been selected to schools they never chose have expressed their dissatisfactions with the exercise, calling on the government to review the exercise.

Deputy School Manager Melabon Ouma said that the 16 students were affected after 15 of them were selected to join extra-county schools that they never chose and one candidate who was placed in Kithiani Girls instead of Kenya High.

Ouma faulted the exercise, saying the previous year’s selections were better compared to this year where students were selected to join schools which were not of their choices.
On her part Mary Muruku, a parent at Janeiro Junior Academy, said the form one selection disadvantaged many parents, citing an instance where her  son  who scored 402 marks has been selected to join St Joseph’s Boys Kitale instead of Kapsabet Boys which he had chosen.

By Naomi Wandede and Davis Langat







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