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One person drowns, two others rescued in Mukaa

Makueni Acting County Commissioner (CC) Moses Gicharu has appealed to the residents in the area to stop crossing flooded rivers as they risk being swept away by raging waters due to increased rainfall pounding the area.

The appeal comes at a time when a man believed to have been drunk lost his life, while two other people were rescued Saturday after a vehicle they were traveling in, was swept away by the raging waters of river Muatineni, along the Sultan Hamud-kasikeu road.

“Last night, the deceased John Mbelezi from Kitindini village, was swept by floods and his body has been retrieved and taken to Kilungu Sub-county hospital mortuary for preservation,” said the Makueni County Red Cross Coordinator Evans Peter.

The two occupants of the vehicle a man (30) and a woman (19) were rushed to Sultan Hamud Sub County Hospital, where they being treated for shock after they were rescued by the County Emergency Response team.

“I appeal to the residents of Makueni to avoid crossing rivers as you cannot tell the magnitude of the water just by looking. They should wait for the water to subside or use an alternative route to avert loss of lives,” warned Gicharu while speaking to KNA one phone.

He further said that the ill-fated saloon car is still marooned next to the bridge and it is yet to be removed from the scene of the incident saying motorists should use alternative roads.

“I urge motorists using our roads to find alternative ones instead of risking to cross flooded rivers,” observed the administrator.

Meanwhile, two bodies of men swept away by raging waters on River Kavuti four days ago are yet to be retrieved.

I am appealing to the police to help us with the police dogs to help in retrieving the bodies when the water subsides,” said the Red Cross Coordinator.

By Patrick Nyakundi

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