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Nyeri Governor awards 2024 KYISA teams

Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga has lauded the Kenya Youth Inter-County Sports Association (KYISA) teams who represented Nyeri County during the just concluded 9th edition of the games held in Malindi, Kilifi County.

Speaking outside his office when awarding the teams, the County boss said, ‘’I wish to congratulate the teams for representing and raising the Nyeri County flag high. Two out of the four Nyeri County teams took home cash of Sh100,000 and medals’’.

During the competition, the football girls’ team took position 2 overall and won Sh75,000, while the volleyball ladies emerged in position 4 and won Sh25,000.

Out of the 57 girls and young men in the team who participated, 17 were scouted by the Kenya Academy of Sports and will be reporting to the academy in August this year.

‘’I wish to thank the players for the discipline demonstrated during the one-week event in Kilifi County, which led to the teams emerging victorious,’’ said Kahiga.

He thanked the technical officers, including the coaches, medical officers, drivers, and officers from the department, who made the event successful.

To tap more talents among the Nyeri youth, Kahiga said the County government of Nyeri is planning for the Nyeri Governor’s Tournament, where recruitment will start at the ward level through the Department of Gender, Youth, Sports, and Social Services.

Gender & Sports CECM Esther Ndung’u, who was present during the awarding ceremony, thanked the teams for raising the Nyeri flag to another level and encouraged them to continue with that spirit.

By Beth Ndirangu

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