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Nyamira Doctors down tools over unmet demands

Kenya Medical Practitioners, pharmacists and Dentist Union (KMPDU) members in Nyamira County have officially started their strike following a notice of 21 days issued to the County government.

According to Nyanza Branch KMPDU chairman, Dr. Onyango Ndong’a, while addressing the media Monday, the county government of Nyamira has failed to honor a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) they signed with the county government in 2021 and that their working conditions are worsening directly affecting them and their clients.

“We agreed in good faith to sign a negotiated CBA and were optimistic that it could sufficiently and conclusively address the needs of the doctors and our clients. Unfortunately the county’s response to this very important negotiation and proposals have been very disrespectful and insulting to the massive contribution KMPDU members are offering to the county’s health department,” the Nyanza region KMPDU chairman explained.

“Today is a defining moment of truth which if we do not stand tall now for our deserved rights, both the medical practitioners and the people of Nyamira will suffer. We stand in solidarity until our demands are met because we are in lawful and protected strike as par the employment ACT.” Dr. Ndong’a stated.

Dr. Ndong’a further said the doctor’s working conditions are dire because they lack proper equipment to professionally execute their duties this endangering their lives, and they work for very long hours without sufficient personnel to relieve them and have therefore become inefficient.

“According to World Health Organization (WHO) one doctor is supposed to serve a population of about 1000 but Nyamira County has deployed 41 doctors only out of a population of about 900,000. This clearly indicated there is a huge deficit of doctors which the county government is reluctant to fill.

KMPDU chairman warned that other counties in Nyanza region are following suit because they are equally doing badly in taking care of the welfare of Doctors.

Dr. Aggrey Orwenyo, Nyanza region Secretary General said, “the government of Nyamira have not been courteous to call us for to talk about the issues and how they plan to address them”.

Dr. Orwenyo affirmed that the 21 days strike notice was more than the legally required notice of seven days and will be on strike for as long as it takes until the county government complies with the 2021 CBA agreement.

By Deborah Bochere


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