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National Values And Principles

Kenya News Agency is committed to creating awareness on the national values and principles of governance as enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya 2010 (Article 10(2);
1. Patriotism – Love, loyalty and devotion shown to one’s country. It calls for one’s selfless service and sacrifice for the nation.

2. National unity -The deliberate decision to appreciate and work with others in pursuit of common goals. A state of oneness which results from shared values, vision, purpose and aspirations irrespective of the ethnic, cultural, economic, and religious diversity. A choice to work as a team in tackling the challenges that we face as a country.

3. Sharing and devolution of power – A governance system in which power, political, economic and social resources are distributed between and among the national and county level governments.

4. Rule of law- A principle of governance where all persons, institutions and entities are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated.

5. Democracy and participation of the people- Democracy refers to a culture in which all citizens exercise direct and/or indirect participation in the running of the affairs of their country, while participation is the practice of involving all people from diverse backgrounds in making decisions which ensures mutual respect and encourages shared responsibilities.

6. Human dignity- The innate right to respect and ethical treatment for any human regardless of class, race, gender, nationality, culture, education, religion or any other divisions. It also refers to honour bestowed on individuals and people, and the upholding of the individual rights regardless of one’s status. Article 28-Every person has inherent dignity and the right to have that dignity respected and protected.

7. Equity- The quality of being reasonable, fair, impartial and just in all decisions and actions.

8. Social justice- Fair access to wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.

9. Inclusiveness – Affording all people an opportunity to participate in activities that affect their lives including decision making.

10. Equality- Treating everyone with equal measures irrespective of their status such as gender, religion, social class, tribe or race. Being regarded of equal status in all matters involving rights of individuals and groups.

11. Non-discrimination- Treating people in a fair and unprejudiced manner irrespective of their diversity such as gender, ethnicity, class, religion, race, geographical, disability or even generational differences.

12. Human rights- God given, inherent, inalienable liberties and entitlements to be enjoyed by all people. For example, right to life, right to health, housing, freedom from hunger, social security, education, the right to development and self-determination. These are basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person. They are based on important principles like dignity, fairness, respect and equality. They are protected by the law.

13. Protection of the marginalized – Safeguarding the livelihood of those who or were disadvantaged through exclusion.

14. Good governance- Having systems and structures through which the exercise of power and authority can be controlled or held to account. The value also refers to the prudent management of institutions and resources.

15. Integrity- Adherence to virtuous, moral and ethical principles which include honesty, truthfulness, consistency and moral character both in private and public life. It is also the consistency between, beliefs, words and actions.

16. Transparency and accountability- Transparency refers to adherence to the requirement to share information and act in an open manner while accountability refers to being held responsible for one’s actions, conduct and management of resources

17. Sustainable development- The pattern of resource use that aims to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.