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Narok launches County revenue collection bank

Narok County government has launched a County Revenue Collection Bank to improve the efficiency and service delivery to the residents.

Speaking at Ole Ntimama Stadium, during the launch of Narok County Revenue Bank, Governor Patrick Ntutu said the county has been ranked third countrywide for its own source revenue and second on improved revenue collection.

“Narok revenue collection grew from Sh1.3 billion to Sh3.1 billion in one year,” Ntutu added.

Ntutu said the revenue collection bank will boost the county’s own revenue collections from Sh3.1 billion that was raised in the last financial year to a possible target estimate of Sh4.5 billion.

He said the county government has digitized the revenue payment systems, with concerted efforts of tightening loopholes and zero tolerance to corruption in the county.

Ntutu said that the county has employed over 140 trade officers who will work under the revenue collection in the county.

He encouraged the newly employed officers to distance themselves from corruption malpractices.

The collection bank will automate and consolidate all routable services listed in the County Finance Act under one roof and bring them closer to the residents.

Governor Ntutu was accompanied by two governors; Bomet governor Prof. Hillary Barchok and Vihiga Governor Wilber K. Ottichilo.

Governor Ottichilo praised Governor Ntutu for introducing the revenue bank that is of its kind, and being the first county to start the revenue collection bank in the country.

By John Kaleke

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