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Murang’a Assembly approves Ksh9.6bn supplementary budget

Murang’a Governor Irungu Kang’ata has promised to fast track implementation of various development projects beginning early next year after the local assembly passed a Sh. 9.6 supplementary budget.

In the budget that was passed on Tuesday, every ward is slated to get Sh. 8 million which will spearhead various development projects.

Kang’ata speaking after assenting to the Supplementary Appropriation Bill for financial year 2022/2023 on Wednesday said the money allocated for the community projects will aid among other things renovation of ECDE centres.

“In the budget, every ward will get Sh1 million to provide bursaries for needy students. The bursaries will also factor in needy students who are enrolled in day secondary schools,” he said at the county headquarters.

Kang’ata lauded the county assembly for taking a short time to pass the budget saying it will support implementation of his manifesto.

“When we were campaigning, we promised to revamp the health sector and in the supplementary budget we have allocated Sh. 271.5 million to renovate some of the major hospitals including Murang’a level 5 and Maragua district hospital.

“Another Sh120 million has been allocated to construct Kenneth Matiba hospital at Makenji area in Kenol,” he added.

The money allocated for the health sector, he said, will also see some health facilities including Kirwara and Nyakianga upgraded to level 4 hospitals.

The budget also allocated funds to help farmers get subsidies with Kang’ata saying the subsidy programme will be actualized once the assembly approves set regulations and policies.

The vulnerable families slated to benefit with enhanced NHIF cover are set to start benefiting from the health scheme from January next year.

The budget provided for Sh. 170 million which will be paid to the NHIF to provide 20, 000 households with enhanced cover which also includes last expense payment.

“We are now ready to roll out enhanced NHIF cover to 20, 000 poor families in a programme dubbed Kang’ata care.  The budget appropriation bill has changed the funds from development to recurrent thus giving the county government leeway to pay the NHIF,” he further said.

Meanwhile Kang’ata observed that they are ready to revive operation of the county milk plant in March next year.

“We have allocated some funds to operationalize the county milk plant and it will be done in partnership with the private sector so as to make the plant profitable,” he asserted.

Operations of the milk plant which was established by the former regime was stopped after Kang’ata took office on claims the plant was making losses.

Kang’ata decried delay in disbursement of devolved funds by the treasury saying the revenue collected is not enough to support key projects.

“We only received funds from the treasury for three months. As Murang’a Government we have strived to prudently utilize locally collected revenue since salaries currently are paid on time. We hope by next year we will get allocation from the treasury to help us spearhead development,” he remarked.

By Bernard Munyao

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