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More KMTC staff redeployed at Isiolo referral hospital

The government has posted two specialised nurses to work in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and High Dependency Unit (HDU) wards at Isiolo County Referral Hospital.
Speaking at Isiolo County Referral Hospital, the Chairman of Kenya Medical Training College Prof Philip Kaloki said that all professional staff at KMTC would be temporarily deployed at the hospital to assist in fighting Covid-19.
Kaloki added that two vehicles, a bus and double cabin would be attached to the hospital to assist in logistics.
He added that the Isiolo County government was adequately prepared for specialised medical care even for Covid-19 cases as the hospital has modern standard facilities for the same.
The Isiolo chief officer for health Ibrahim Alio said that only one Covid-19 positive case has been confirmed and contact tracing was already underway while 13 people have been placed under quarantine at Garbatula Sub-County hospital.
The Chief Officer said that the Covid-19 patient would be retained and treated at the hospital and appealed to the members of the public to provide information on visitors travelling to the area so that swift action could be taken to counter the pandemic spread.
He further added that the identified patient had travelled from Nairobi by lorry carrying food stuff and alighted at a police barrier then went to Garbatula by bus.
Alio said there was no cause for panic adding that medical professionals in Garbatula are working hard to see that the contact tracing was enhanced and quarantine regulations adhered to.

By Abduba Mamo and David Nduro

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