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Mobile court suspend

Kapenguria Law court has suspended mobile court services due to budgetary cut by the government and people will be forced to attend their cases at the main Kapenguria court.

Speaking  during the Kapenguria Law Court open day at Kacheliba market, the Law Court Judge Ruth Sitati said mobile services at Alale in Pokot North and Sigor in Pokot Central sub-counties were stopped due to logistical problems.

Sitati hoped that the problem will be sorted out soon, saying the exercise will resume when the court receives additional funds.

“We used to attend courts in Alale and Sigor three days per month. The exercise requires funds which was not allocated during the financial year and we hope that the problem will be sorted out as soon as possible,” she said.

“I know the distance from Alale to Kapenguria Law court is long but we are requesting witnesses to ensure that they attend court when required,” said Sitati.

On education, the Judge urged the residents to do away with barriers that hinder the girl child from enrolling and completing their education.

She noted that girl child enrolment in Pokot North Sub County is still low, saying the community should do away with out dated cultural practices like Female Genital Mutilation and early marriages.

The area Sub County Police Commander, Nathan Sanya, observed that girls are most at risk during these two months’ holiday and urged the residents to cooperate by reporting any incident to the security personnel.

Sanya pointed out that girls are known to be taken to Uganda for FGM to avoid a crackdown on the harmful tradition practice at home, adding that security officers are working closely with their counterparts in Uganda.

“In this century, FGM has no place in our society and should not be under the watch of our security personnel. We shall be very watchful during this December holiday and working closely with our friends in Uganda,” said Sanya.

By John Saina


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