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Ministry develops regulations to boost livestock production

The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development has developed seven regulations to promote livestock production in the country.

The documents target areas that have, over the years, remained unregulated, affecting the growth of the sub-sector.

Directorate of Livestock Policy and Regulations representative Dr. William Akwimbi said the regulations target animal feed production, animal breeding, the pig industry, the poultry industry, livestock training institutions, livestock and livestock products marketing, and apiculture.

Speaking during a public participation drive with stakeholders from Nyanza and Western regions, Dr. Akwimbi said the regulations which are expected to operationalize the Livestock Bill which has been developed will unlock the sector’s full potential.

Animal feed production, which is unregulated, he said, remains a big challenge with substandard feeds flooding the market, and the regulations aim to streamline feed production while at the same time stimulating growth in apiculture, pig farming, and poultry farming.

Dr Akwimbi noted that the livestock sector contributes 10% to the national GDP, adding that with the new regulations, the sector was bound to grow exponentially, creating jobs for thousands of Kenyans.

He said the bill, which is before the Attorney General’s office, is set to be tabled in parliament for approval.

Once it is operationalized, the bill, he added, will create an enabling environment for the sector to grow, with the regulations expected to create numerous opportunities.

“This is going to attract investors. They will come knowing very well that they are investing their money in an area that is well regulated and that they will get good returns on investment,” he said.

Animal Production Society of Kenya (APSK) Chairman Samuel Mbuku said the regulations were key to making the sector productive, competitive, and resilient.

The existing gaps in the sector, he added, have affected production, with the effects of climate change adversely affecting production.

Last year, he said Kenya lost 2.6 million herds of cattle worth over Sh. 200 million, adding that the regulations will serve to make the sector more resilient.

“For this sector to be competitive, we must look at the service providers, training institutions, and the framework that supports the sector to make it more productive, competitive, and resilient,” he said.

The stakeholder consultative meetings are being held in eight regions across the country to allow stakeholders to give their input before the documents are adopted.

By Chris Mahandara

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