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Migori County Commissioner warns drug traffickers

Migori County Commissioner David Gitonga has warned drug traffickers of dire consequences if they are nabbed by the security apparatus.

Gitonga who spoke in Suna West Sub County during a public security meeting in Wasweta II Ward put on notice drug dealers that their days were numbered.

Gitonga said that Suna West Sub County has become a gateway of drugs, especially Bhang and ethanol that find their way to other parts of South Nyanza region and the rest of the country.

On Friday this week, four sacks of bhang weighing 160 kilograms worth Sh4.8 Million were intercepted in Kuria West Sub County-Migori after a motorcycle rider who is still on the run abandoned them.

Ten sacks of jaggery worth Sh148,000 street value were also recovered and according to Nguli, the jaggeries were meant to be used in making the illicit brews in the county.

Migori County Police Commander Francis Nguli said that the security apparatus will be vigilant and anybody engaging in drug trafficking will face the full force of the law.

“Every Kenyan has the right to freedom of expression and my appeal to the local political leadership is to preach peace and tolerance among their supporters”, said Gitonga.

By Janemolly Achieng and Marion Obuya

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