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Makueni enhances service delivery through technology

Makueni County government is leveraging technology and innovations to enhance service delivery and increase access to government services.

Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Junior said technology has boosted revenue collection, and improved health services and management systems while also transforming the operations and management of the county.

“We have so far managed to apply Information Technology to transform the management and operations of Makueni County. These trials have enhanced service delivery and increased access to our government services,” said Mutula while delivering a State of the County address at the assembly on Tuesday in Wote.

He said the county has Integrated the Lands Information Management System (LIMS) into the E-revenue Management System which led to an increase in own-source revenue generation for the county, more accountability, and prudence in handling revenue collections.


“The county has mobilized the highest Own Source Revenue (OSR) of Sh. 891 million in FY2022/23, up from previously Sh 749 Million,” noted Mutula

Mutula said the 82 percent milestone of the total revenue target, the highest achievement since 2013 has been made possible through the adoption of My County App through a partnership with Safaricom.

The App provides a unified platform for revenue collection and digitization of all county government operations and services where residents can access them from any part of the world.

“Some of these services include; paying for parking fees, business permits, and land rates as well as engaging the county leadership through the Sema na Governor segment. The App also offers useful information on this Assembly and other important features of Makueni,” added Mutula.

“We have made great strides towards healthcare innovation. Through Proximie- a telemedicine technology platform, our health workers can use cameras in theatre for remote support, teaching, and audit of operations,” added Mutula.

He said, that the Maisha Med digital health commodities management system is a huge success in 13 health facilities.

“We are in the process of establishing an end-to-end automation of health services through a County Integrated Health Management Information System (CIHMIS). The system will ensure patient management, health products tracking, and revenue management in all health facilities,” he noted.

Other digital service that has improved services include installing automated Water Dispensing Machines in 23 Water Kiosks which has not only reduced Non-Revenue Water but also saved time taken fetching water.

Makueni was recognized and received the Ugatuzi award category from the Office of the Ombudsman for leveraging Technology and innovation for enhanced service delivery and social accountability.

“We are happy to have received National recognitions. On the 23rd November 2023, The Commission of Administrative Justice (Office of the Ombudsman) gave me the Huduma Ombudsman Award in its Fourth Edition,” added Mutula.

By Ronald Rono

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