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Machakos County, NHIF partner to assist patients access free healthcare

Machakos County Government has entered into a partnership with the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) that will see needy patients’ access free healthcare.

Speaking to the media at Machakos Level 5 Hospital, County Health Executive, Dr Ancent Kituku, said they have identified 43000 poor households, whose premiums would be paid for by the government as they could not afford NHIF premiums.

“Using the Demographics data, we were able to identify 43000 poor households that cannot afford to pay NHIF in Machakos County. We have registered them under NHIF and their premiums will be paid by the County Government,” he said.

Dr Kituku noted that even though the poor are catered for, the rest of the people should register under NHIF and pay Sh6000 in a year to be fully enrolled under NHIF.

Saying the NHIF charges demanded translate to Sh17 daily and Sh500 monthly, Kituku said, “Ordinary people should be able to afford 6000 in a year, which is Sh500 a month and Sh17 a day for them to access NHIF services. They should not hide under poverty yet they can afford luxury such as alcohol and cigarettes.”

He encouraged Machakos residents that if they enroll with NHIF at their facilities, the county government will ensure they get enough drugs, quality services and enough healthcare workers to attend to them.

Kituku emphasized that Machakos County allocated a third of the budget to the department of health but added the department budget was very high because of the wage bill.

Machakos County NHIF Branch Manager, Mr Timothy Musyoka, hailed the initiative and said they will ensure timely reimbursement upon submission of claims.

He said they have signed contracts with all Government health facilities in Machakos County so that healthcare providers can give a wide range of benefits which NHIF will reimburse upon submission of claims.

“We have signed contracts with all Machakos’ government facilities, from level 2 to level 5 so that the healthcare providers can provide a wide range of benefits which NHIF will reimburse upon submission of claims,” added Musyoka.

He noted that they have agreed with Machakos County to enhance capacity building so that every healthcare worker is able to know how they can claim from NHIF and also assist members to register and get the benefits.

Musyoka said they are privileged to be collaborating with the County Government adding the contract run from 2022 to 2024.

Last year, MPs approved changes to the NHIF Act, which made it compulsory for every Kenyan above 18 years to contribute to the fund with employers topping up contributions by those who pay less than Sh500 monthly.

By Anne Kangero


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