Home > Counties > legislator donates 1,000 machines to fight hypertension

legislator donates 1,000 machines to fight hypertension

A Murang’a gubernatorial contender has given out more than 1,000 machines to assist Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) in testing and monitoring high blood pressure at the grassroots.

The donated machines are deemed to fight increase of hypertension among Murang’a residents.

Donating the machines to more than 3,000 CHVs at Makuyu in Murang’a County, candidate, Jamleck Kamau, underscored the availability of equipment, saying the CHVs will play a key role in fight against non-communicable diseases.

“With the machines, the volunteers will be able to detect undiagnosed cases of hypertension and refer patients to health facilities for treatment,” said Kamau, adding that the monitoring machines will also help them manage patients in their homes.

Kamau said that as an aspiring leader of the people, he was prompted to take action after concerns were raised over the sky-rocketing prevalence of non-communicable diseases in the County.

The candidate observed that a large number of hypertensive patients were unaware of their conditions and the machines donated are instrumental in empowering the residents socially and financially.

“Most patients only seek medical attention when it is too late and the condition has progressed which makes their treatment expensive,” observed Kamau

Kamau has been spearheading numerous free medical camps at grassroots that have treated over 60,000 patients who were diagnosed with non-communicable diseases.

The machines, he noted, have the capacity to save numerous lives and help thousands to have their health restored in good time.

“If the machines are well utilized, the volunteers can help boost preventive health care at the grassroots which would in turn reduce the burden in health facilities,” said Kamau adding that the CHVs will be trained on how to correctly use the machine to detect low or high blood pressure.

If he ascends to power, Jamleck has promised to provide the community health workers with monthly wages to sustain their families.

Currently only a few of the volunteers get facilitation from the County government.

By Bernard Munyao and Anita Omwenga


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