Home > Counties > Bomet > Komirmir VTC Plants Over 1000 Trees in Forest Conservation Efforts 

Komirmir VTC Plants Over 1000 Trees in Forest Conservation Efforts 

Komirmir Vocational Training College (VCT) in Kipsonoi Ward, Sotik Sub County has planted over 1000 trees in forest conservation efforts.

Led by the centre manager Ann Mibei, the college mobilized the locals as well as the trainees in the noble exercise, aimed at conserving the environment.

Mibei said her decision was informed by Governor Prof. Hillary Barchok’s call for all residents of Bomet to make tree planting, a continuous exercise and a responsibility for all.

The centre manager said the tree seedlings were obtained, free of charge, from the Kenya Forest Services department in Bomet saying they will ensure the efforts bear tangible fruits.

The county chief officer for Education and Vocational Training Dr. John Keter lauded this selfless move saying Komirmir VCT had set precedent for others to emulate.

Keter said local VTCs had readily available parcels of land for tree planting, not only for improving the beauty of the institutions, but also to increase the country’s forest cover.

Only recently, Labour and Social Protection CS Florence Bore led county residents in a similar exercise in Chepalungu Forest, where they managed to plant over 10, 000 trees.

Bomet Governor has continually urged area residents to play a key role in environmental conservation by setting aside 10 per cent of their land purposely for growing trees.

Prof. Barchok says Bomet is one of the Counties that has a commendable percentage of forest cover and that it should take a leading role in the country’s ambition of planting 15 billion trees by the year 2032.

By Kipngeno Korir 

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