Home > Counties > Kirinyaga County Marks Women’s Day At Kerugoya Referral Hospital

Kirinyaga County Marks Women’s Day At Kerugoya Referral Hospital

The county government of Kirinyaga celebrated the international women’s day by issuing tokens to women in Kerugoya Referral Hospital.

The day is celebrated globally considering social, economic, cultural and political achievements by women.

Kirinyaga County CEC for Gender Millicent Nyawira led the team from the county government in visiting the women in different wards of the hospital including the maternity, the general ward and women with sick children to share their love.

“Being international women’s day, we have visited the women in the maternity, the women with sick children and those in the general hospital to show them love with gifts,” said Nyawira.

As for the Gender Department, Nyawira stated that the county government has started an apparel company with an idea of having uniforms for Early Childhood Classes and also making hospital linen for all hospitals in the county.

She added that the county will soon offer daycare services for all county workers’ children to enhance concentration at work.

The CEC also noted the county government will continue providing sanitary pads adding last financial year 28000 sanitary pads were distributed to women and young girls in order to help them concentrate in their works and studies for school going girls.

Also a Gender Based Violence desk has been set in all health facilities in the county with special trained personnel who are able to give solutions on issues arising from GBV.

The beneficiaries could not hide the joy after receiving various gifts from the county and were grateful with the leadership and services provided.

“We are happy because we have seen how much our able leadership cares about us and may God bless them and grant all whatever they need for we all know it’s not easy for someone who doesn’t know you to care this much,” said Jane Muthoni, one of the women in the hospital.

By Ondu Dorcas

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