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Kenyans urged to remain vigilant on terrorism

The head of prevention and resilience at the National Counter-Terrorism Centre (NCTC) Njenga Miiri has said terrorists keep on changing tact in their operations.

Miiri said the extremist organizations are employing among other things technology, non-Muslims and women to avoid being detected and arrested.

“Despite the fact that the perpetrators of terrorism have been greatly suppressed, there is no room for complacency,” he said during the County Engagement Forum (CEF) on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE).

Miiri added that the NCTC in collaboration with other stakeholders continue to sensitize the public on the need to remain vigilant as far as radicalization and terrorism are concerned.

Vihiga County Commissioner (CC) Gilbert Kitiyo appealed to religious leaders to spread the information on P/CVE as they conduct their sermons.

Kitiyo observed that everyone in the community regardless of age, sex and social standing is susceptible to being recruited into the evil group.

The CC pointed out the concerted efforts in combating the menace have borne fruits and urged for the sustenance of the synergy.

By Sammy Mwibanda

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