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KENHA erects bumps on Kisaju blackspot on Nairobi-Namanga highway

Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) has erected speed bumps at Kisaju area junction along the Nairobi-Namanga Highway.

The stretch from Kisaju town to Fred’s Ranch junction, which has been termed a blackspot, has resulted in many accidents and fatalities.

The move comes after several complaints by residents for immediate erection of bumps in order to curb speeding by motorists that have caused several accidents, with the most recent one resulting in the death of a middle-aged woman.

Kaputei North Ward Member of County Assembly Joshua Olowuasa said he petitioned KeNHA, asking them to act immediately so as to avert more accidents.

“We heard the cry of our people and petitioned KeNHA, asking them to consider erecting speed bumps and marking the black spot to help minimise accidents in the area,” said Olowuasa.

The MCA hoped the erection of rumble strips and speed bumps will reduce the number of accidents along the stretch.

We are happy that our request was considered, and now rumble strips and speed bumps have been erected on this part of the road,” added Olowuasa.

He further called on KeNHA to fix bumps along the Nairobi-Namanga road so as to save lives.

By Joshua Mjengi

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