Saturday, September 21, 2024
Home > Counties > Kangema residents in high risk areas urged to relocate to safer areas

Kangema residents in high risk areas urged to relocate to safer areas

Kangema Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Esther Mwamure has called upon Kenyans residing at high risk areas to relocate to safer grounds.

Speaking during a Sub county disaster management committee meeting with stakeholders from various departments, Mwamure said that the follow up on the ongoing enhanced rain has revealed that 67 households in the sub-county have been adversely affected.

“Of those affected, 47 households are in need of urgent relocation because their homes have dangerously cracked walls,” Mwamure said,

“Those who are able to relocate themselves from the high risk areas are urged to move to safer areas,” she added.

The DCC noted that some residents have already headed to the warnings and moved, however, she urged the government and the county disaster management committee to step in and facilitate the relocation of the vulnerable ones unable to relocate by themselves.

She stated that those in Mucoco village and Kihindu village are among the most affected and they are closely monitoring their situation.

The DCC urged the public to seek assistance promptly so as to avert any disasters that may result in the loss of life.

Immaculate Iteba of Kenya Redcross in Murang’a, on her part, noted that Kangema is the most affected sub-county in Murang’a County and they have been collaborating in assessments in the different areas in Kanyenyaini, Muguru and Rwathia that have been affected.

She noted that they are working with the various stakeholders such as churches and schools to ensure concerted rescue efforts should the need arise.

Iteba also called upon people in high risk areas to relocate to safer grounds.

The Meteorological department forecasts that the El-Niño rains will resume towards the end of this week.

By Purity Mugo and Bernard Munyao


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