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Home > Counties > Kakenya’s Dreams launches health centre to boost healthcare in Transmara, Narok county

Kakenya’s Dreams launches health centre to boost healthcare in Transmara, Narok county

Kakenya’s Dreams, a Non-profit organisation has launched Kakenya Health and Wellness Centre at Isampin area, in Transmara West that will address critical healthcare disparities in rural communities, complementing the critical role the government plays in providing healthcare to the people.

Speaking during the function, Dr Kakenya Ntayia, the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Kakenya’s Dreams said the health care facility will cater to the needs of girls and young women in the community who continue facing significant challenges, including Fmale Genital Cutting (FGC), child marriage, widespread teenage pregnancy, and limited access to basic healthcare.

Dr Kakenya said that the facility will provide essential medical services that, in many cases, may be out of reach due to high costs, distance, and shortages of necessary medicines and supplies.

“The facility is a community project, and we welcome ways that we can partner together to ensure people in the rural community have access to quality healthcare services,” said Dr Kakenya

On his part, Governor Patrick Ntutu acknowledged the role played by NGOs in partnering with the county government to improve and boost services to the people.

“My government has been extending the necessary support to these development partners as we strive to serve the people,” said governor Ntutu

Governor Ntutu lauded efforts by Dr Kakenya to initiate development projects in the area urging her to continue dreaming big and serve the people.

“Dr. Kakenya has contributed positively to empowering girls, building a primary and secondary and now we can see a health care facility” added the Governor

Governor Ntutu also commended Dr.Kakenya  for the efforts in rescuing many young girls from harmful practices and ensuring that they are educated, noting that many of them are now offering services schools as teachers and others in the health facility.

Elizabeth Konokoi , a resident of Isampin expressed her appreciation for the health facility saying the residents have felt a sigh of relief since health services have been brought closer to them.

“We used to travel over 10 kilometers to either Kilgoris Town or to Tenwek Hospital and Kisii town to seek health services,” pointed out Konokoi.

Konokoi further noted that the language barrier which had been a challenge when seeking health services in far flung area will now be a thing of the past since they will be served by nurses from the locality who are beneficiaries of Kekenya’s Dreams scholarship.

Additionally, Phoebe Kakenya, a youth, said many youth face healthcare challenges, and the launch of the health care facility is a significant step forward for the youths to access treatment without fear, judgment or stigma.

She said the youth look forward to utilizing the facility to improve their welfare and health and the facility will foster a more open environment where their health issues will be addressed.

Gilisho Sarisar, another resident, lauded Dr Kakenya for her contribution in empowering the community, adding that the Maa community needs to appreciate the importance of educating girl children.

“We feel empowered by Dr.Kakenya; so far we have a primary and secondary school courtesy of Kakenya’s dreams, and today we are launching a health facility,”  said Sarisar

By John Kaleke

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