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Kakamega County to Enact Climate Law

The Kakamega county assembly is set to pass a law to address the challenges of climate change.

The bill seeks to mainstream climate change interventions into various sectors including agriculture, health, water and education to facilitate a climate change action plan budgeting.

Swaka Limera, the chairperson for Environment, Natural Resources, Energy, Water and Forestry, said they have established the Kakamega County Climate Change Fund for tackling of climate change programmes.

“The sources of monies for the Fund shall include the county budget, grants, donations and endowments, income from fees, charges or penalty imposed on services, loans and interest accruing from bank deposits in respect of the fund,” he explained.

Limera said a multi-sectoral county climate change committee will be constituted to approve, mainstream and oversee the implementation of the climate change action plan.

He spoke during a public participation forum on the bill and expressed confidence that the bill will help contain flooding and mitigate adverse effects of climate change.

By Sammy Mwibanda

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