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Kajiado County Implementation Coordination and Management Committee Launched

Kajiado County Commissioner Jude Wasonga has officially launched the National Government Development County Implementation Coordination and Management Committee (NGD-CICMC).

The committee chaired by the county commissioner and composed of Heads of Departments and Agencies as members, is tasked with monitoring the implementation of all national government projects within Kajiado County in line with the government’s Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA).

BETA is anchored on six key pillars including Agriculture, Health, Small Medium Enterprise (SME) Economy, Housing, Digital and Creative Economy and Environment and Climate Change.

Speaking during the launch, Wasonga reiterated that the government was committed to ensuring service delivery to Kenyans and CICMC would play its role of monitoring and evaluating government projects to ensure that they are completed on time and successfully.

 “The role of this committee is to monitor and evaluate all government projects in the county so as to ensure that they are completed successfully.” he said.

Wasonga directed all contractors and agencies implementing government projects to ensure that they are completed within the stipulated period and done according to recommended standards.

The CC further directed departmental heads to take the NGD-CICMC meetings seriously so as to familiarize themselves with government projects, programmes, policies, and presidential directives.

He called on the committee members to be prepared when called upon to give reports on the projects and programmes being implemented in their respective dockets.

Wasonga further warned the members that the coordination and management committee meetings will be a must-attend for all Heads of Departments and those who fail to attend without a written explanation will face disciplinary action.

“All departmental heads must attend these meetings in person so as to give a detailed report of projects under your department. Avoid delegating the meetings to junior officers. If you have a valid reason for not attending, then my office should be notified,” Wasonga added.

The Government Delivery Unit Director in Charge of the South Rift Region, Mr. John Nderitu, underscored the importance of efficient and accountable provision of services to the members of the public and urged for team work among government agencies.

Nderitu, who was present during the inauguration of the committee took the members through the guidelines on the coordination and implementation of national government policies, programmes, and projects.

 “The guidelines outline a clear and concise framework for coordination and supervision of government business, ensuring that all entities work together seamlessly to achieve our national goals and objectives,” he said.

 Among the guidelines outlined in the coordination framework are: updating the committee on ongoing projects, monitoring and evaluating the same projects, advising the government on priority development needs in the counties and facilitating public participation based on feedback from the beneficiary communities, among others.

He urged the county heads to treat the committee with the seriousness it deserved, since all deliberations discussed therein were escalated to the office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary, where the Government Delivery Unit is domiciled, before onward transmission to the Office of the President.

 By Rop Janet

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