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Interior Cabinet Secretary vows to protect critical government facilities against vandalism

Interior Cabinet Secretary (CS) Prof. Kithure Kindiki has vowed to protect critical government

installations across the County against vandalism.

Consequently, Kindiki warned that individuals who are involved in vandalizing vital

Government facilities risk being shot on sight saying they are national security areas.

He particularly took issue with individuals who are vandalizing the Standard Gauge

Railway (SGR) and said that they were enemies of Kenyans adding that they are like terrorists

destroying economic investment of the County.

The CS further said that the railway ferries many people besides transporting goods of

high value within the Country, noting that it is vital in boosting the Country’s economy, hence

the need to protect it.

“I want you to understand me, I have gazetted in the Kenya Gazette a new law to protect

our vital facilities like railway, Ndakaine and Sasamua dams supplying water to many people.

The Law governing critical infrastructure now is the Protected Areas Act Cap 204 Laws of Kenya.

Any person found within the vicinity of a protected area, will be shot,” warned Kindiki while unveiling the new Kambu Sub County Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Teresia Mburu on Monday.

“The Act is the most serious one and more punitive law that protects State House. If a

security officer finds you in the protected area without permission, there is no time to ask you

questions. The law allows the officer to shoot you. Leave the critical facilities alone, those are

national security assets,” noted the CS.

In this regard, he asked those involved in this illegal business to stop and try to engage

themselves in other businesses like other Kenyans in the Country.

He pointed that the continued vandalizing of the railway may result in causing fatal

accidents and will bring loss of many lives besides losing goods of high value being transported

to other parts of the Country.

“Those engaged in stealing scrap metals, vandalizing the railway to get a few shillings

from scrap dealers, are enemies of Kenyans just like terrorists,” he said.

“Destroying the railway can lead to fatal accidents, because it is possible for us to lose

many people and high value goods due to the stupidity of a few people stealing the metal to

sell for a few coins. You should look for an economic activity to do like other Kenyans,” Kindiki


On civil servants, the Cabinet Secretary warned them against receiving bribes while

serving the people and instead asked them to be responsible and accountable to the citizens

they offer services to.

While asking them to work with elected leaders, he challenged them to avoid divisive

politics saying it was imperative to serve wananchi without being partisan.

“The Chiefs, Assistant County Commissioners, Deputy County Commissioners, County

Commissioners and the police should serve people without demanding bribes. Work with the

elected leaders and avoid divisive politics,” warned Kindiki.

The Cabinet Secretary inaugurated the new Deputy County Commissioner who was a

Senior Assistant Commissioner at Kibra Sub County in Nairobi County. Ms Mburu was promoted during the event.

He directed the area County Commissioner Henry Wafula to operationalize areas that

were gazetted in 2017 in the next two months.

At the same time, he asked Wafula and his Taita Taveta counterpart Josephine Onunga to find a lasting solution to the boundary dispute between the two Counties at Mtito Andei in the next two weeks.

The CS promised that all Heads of Department will be posted to the new Sub County in

the next two weeks and he gave Sh 3 million to expand the offices.

Speaking at the same event, Makueni County Governor Mutula Kilonzo asked the

National Government to provide the Administration Police officers with a vehicle in the

new Sub County.

Present at the function included Regional Commissioner Paul Rotich who was

accompanied by his security team, senior National and County government officials.

By Patrick Nyakundi

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