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IFAD project prepares youth for job market in agribusiness

The International Fund for Agricultural Development(IFAD) is preparing youth from Western Kenya through the Jobs Open for the Youth (JOY) Project to be ready for the competitive job market.

Shamberere Agribusiness and Technological Centre (SATEC) hosts the project which builds the capacity of youth through training and incubation to create their own employment in the Agribusiness sector.

IFAD is partnering with Ustadi Foundation and Procasur who are implementing partners of the Joy Project. Procasur is an organization that is running several projects in Africa on boosting rural employment in agribusiness through Integrated Agribusiness Hubs.

Joy Project Coordinator Moses Wanzetse, who is also a technical trainer at Shamberere TTI said they also offer refresher courses to workers in agribusiness enterprises.

“We are providing a chance to out of school youth, both graduates and others to gain skills and link them to jobs or create their own employment. So far we have signed Memorandum of Understanding(MOUs) with 16 agribusiness enterprises spread across Kakamega, Busia, Kisumu and other counties,” he noted.

He said the project has trained about 265 youths who have ventured into self-employment, placed six to various jobs in the agriculture sector and offered internships to 12.

“This project was informed by stakeholders who mentioned the need to have fully baked employees, trained youth, who are not going to require another retraining. Through our programs we are offering skill based training and then we release them to the job market,” he pointed out.

 “We are calling all other enterprises that have a need to get qualified and well trained youth to connect with us so that we can give them the youth who are ready for the jobs. The training is offered free of charge,” he disclosed.

Wanzetse also said they have realized that the majority of youth need connections to get jobs for they do not know certain jobs exist or even how to conduct a basic job search.

He noted that IFAD is funding the project up to the end of 2024 but plans are underway for Shamberere TTI to continue with the project beyond the exit of the donor.

By Moses Wekesa

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