Home > Counties > ‘I appeal to farmers to plant short term crops,’ Ngayai

‘I appeal to farmers to plant short term crops,’ Ngayai

Farmers in Makueni have been asked to plant short-term maturing and drought-tolerant crops during November-December short rains.

Makueni County Director Meteorological Services Jonathan Ngayai said the rains will end in mid or late December.

The Metrological Officer asked farmers to consider crops with short time maturity in order to reap good harvest that will boost food security in the area.

“I appeal to farmers to plant early maturity short term crops because the rains that started early this week from first November will end in the next 45-60 days,” said Ngayai while speaking to Media at County Commissioner’s compound, Wote.

He said most of the places in Makueni have received the onset rains that is enough for the farmers to utilize in growing crops depending on the three ecological zones in the area.

The Upper ecological Zone include Mbooni, Kilungu, Ukia and Kilome, Middle zone (Makueni, Tulimani, Kako, Kisau/Kitheka, Kiima/Kiu, Kalamba, Mavindini, Kikumini and Emali).

While the lower zone includes Kibwezi East, Kibwezi West, Makindu, Nguu/Masumba and Kithise/Kithuki.

“In consultation with the department of Agriculture, for example, farmers in the upper zone and Middle zones are advised to plant maize varieties of DHO 1,2,3,4, Sungura, Kishindo and Haraka variety seeds,” he added.

However, Metrological Officer said no maize variety will suite the lower zones. He added that cowpeas, Pigeon peas, beans varieties and drought resistance crops that include cassava, sweet potatoes, sorghum and millet will produce high yield in all the ecological zones.

Consequently, Ngayai urged the farmers to liaise with the agricultural officers in their locality to get the best advice on the best crops and routine management practices.

“Kindly get in touch with the agricultural officers in the ground to get enough advice on good agricultural practices during this season,” he added.

He called upon the farmers to utilize the ongoing rainfall by harvesting water on their water tanks, underground tanks and farm ponds to use during the drought season.

“This is the right time to harvest the rain water at your homes, collect the flash water at farm ponds so that you will use it during the dry seasons,” said Ngayai.

By Ronald Rono

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