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Homa Bay Netball team wants transparency in KICOSCA games

Homa Bay County Netball team has raised concerns over transparency issues in the ongoing Kenya Intercounty Sports and Culture Association (KICOSCA) in Meru County.

Led by their Captain Eunice Achieng, the team complained of unfairness during their games and as a result, ended up withdrawing from the competitions.

Achieng noted with concern the kind of treatment they were subjected to.

“We want to make it clear that despite meeting all the necessary requirements for the tournament and having all our documentation approved by the necessary authorities, the circus did not end as the organisers kept on asking us to produce documents and to some extent telling us to give our net incomes which we believe is not necessary.

“Worse still, they even asked us to visit Huduma centre to have our documents certified,” she said.

“We demand that all the punitive measures we are being subjected to must be applicable to all other participating netball teams if at all the intention of those pushing them is not malicious,” she noted.

A netball match underway at Kaaga primary school in Meru County. Photos by Dickson Mwiti

She also asked the council of governors to look into the management and running of the KICOSCA games so it can meet the intention of enhancing unity, integration and cohesion among the counties.

The team’s head coach Ms Babyhildgad Owenga said they had all the required documents but they were still being treated as if they were not qualifying for the tournament.

“In fact yesterday, we were supposed to play at 8 am but we ended up playing at 4 pm because someone in the office must have brought that confusion,”said Omwenga.

“Our team was scrutinised about four times which was not happening to our counterparts and this makes us believe there is a malicious game being played there,” said Owenga. She called on the national office to come out and speak to the KICOSCA officials adding that a similar thing befell them last year in Kisumu County.

The team had played only two games including Bungoma which they won 16:15, and Kakamega whom they thrashed 35:12. Their match against Nyeri County was suspended resulting in an uproar.

By Dickson Mwiti  


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