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Hindus back Huduma Number

The Indian High Commissioner Rahul Chhabra has commended the government in the ongoing National Integrated Identity Management System (NIIMS) programme.

High Commissioner Chhabra said the NIIMs exercise is a good initiative by the government that would through data ease governments work when giving services to the people.

Amb. Chhabra who was speaking in Nairobi when Sikhs community in Kenya were celebrating a yearly ceremony dubbed Vaisakhi, said  a similar exercise was also being done in India noting that Information Technology is now worldwide and thus the exercise that is being done in Kenya is useful.

“The data base entry is important also for the Indians in this country who are participating in the exercise. Like in any corporate  world  knowing where one is , where they are living, how many and  what they are doing  becomes easy offering services”, the Indian High Commissioner reiterated

On the Vaisakhi celebrations, Chhabra said the day marks the formation of the order in which Sikh community take a vow to live a disciplined life.

Every year the community cleans its flag, changes the clothing as a symbol that far away people can know that they can get shelter and food in the vicinity.

“This year is important as we celebrate 550 years of the founding father and the community is ensuring that they distribute food to the needy “, he said noting that over 150,000 meals are being distributed countrywide by the Hindus to children, orphans and the vulnerable.

Sikh Community President Parvinder Sigh Pandal also lauded the huduma numba as a very good exercise saying it will be able to address the issues of illegal immigrants into the country as well as bring in all institutions under one umbrella.

“We support this exercise fully and encouraging our Hindu brothers to come out in large number and register”,Parvinder said.

He noted that two weeks ago they released food worth 30,000 to areas of Turkana and Baringo where communities are experiencing drought

Chairman Hindu Council of Kenya Kamal Gupta said the” huduma numba “exercise is  useful  and that as the Hindu community they are making sure they are registering

“We know that through the data collection we will see impact on policies in terms of framework and we hope that the exercise will give return to the people and what they expect”, Gupta said


Jaswinder Singh Virdi President of the   East Africa Ramgarhia Sikh Institute  thanked the government for bringing the exercise close to the community at the temple which he said will help the  community come register at one go.

The exercise, Virdi said is being done in an orderly manner and most of the Sikh community are coming in to register.

The chairman of the Ramgarhia Sikh temple  Amarjit Bahra said so far they had been able to register over 293 people within three days.

“This is a good thing that the government has started. Having one card that will have all the details and we don’t have to carry many cards is good. The Sikhs are very cooperative and the exercise is going on well”, he said

Bahra confirmed that the institute had gotten a food track donated by the community and will be going round every week to deliver food to the needy all over the country.

The truck will be used for food distribution in different areas  and at least twice a month  starting next week and we are asking anyone who can be able to join in and support to do so” Bahra said.

Ramgarhia Sikh Temple at its present Pangani site foundation was laid   on 29th November 1970. It hosts the Sikhs and during the Vaisakhi ceremony over 2000 Sikhs participated in the celebrations.

By Wangari Ndirangu

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