Home > Counties > Helicopters supply KCSE exam materials in Ijara, Garissa

Helicopters supply KCSE exam materials in Ijara, Garissa

The Kenya National Examinations Council, (KNEC), has stationed two helicopters in Masalani town to ferry the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, (KCSE), examination materials to unreachable places in Ijara sub county, Garisa county as the ongoing rainfall make some dry weather roads impassable.

The plane is serving parts of Ijara sub county and the entire of Hulugho sub county where roads have become impassable.

Ijara sub county Director of education Ibrahim Odowa revealed that the exams are going on smoothly in the area despite the deluge that has poured in the area.

Flash floods have even washed away bridges interlinking towns with some roads being washed away making them impassable.

Mr. Odowa said despite the region neighbouring Somalia, the government has been able to offer invigilators enough security in case of any insecurity as witnessed in the past where the Al Shabaab could attack examination centres.

Both Ijara Deputy county commissioner Wachira Chempton and his Hulugho counterpart David Luka have confirmed the government will continue giving security in the eight examination centres.

By Mohamed Dahir

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