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Government to operalionalise gazetted administrative units

State Department for Interior and National Administration Principal Secretary Raymond Omollo has said that the government will operalionalise all gazetted administrative units across the country.

Dr Omollo who spoke in Ntimaru Sub County-Kuria East, Migori County during the groundbreaking of classroom construction at Saint Joseph’s Ntimaru Secondary School said that there was a plan in this financial year to ensure that all gazetted administrative units are operationalised.

He, however, noted that some of the proposed additional units across the country were still in the process of scrutiny to see whether they meet the set criteria.

“The Ministry has received some proposed additional administrative units here in Kuria but I want to assure the public that we will scrutiny them; not only here in Migori but across the country to see how fit these administrative units can serve the citizens,” said Dr Omollo.

Last year, three new divisions in Kuria East and Kuria West Sub Counties were officially operationalised by the former Migori County Commissioner Meru Mwangi.

The three include; Gokeharaka and Maeta divisions in Kuria East Sub County and Nyankore division in Kuria West Sub County.

The Kuria region was also awarded two more Sub Counties whereby Kuria East Sub County produced Ndimaru Sub County while Kuria West produced Mabera Sub County.

The larger Nyatike Sub County was also spilt into three Sub Counties of Nyatike Central, Nyatike North and Nyatike South.

The three were operationalised last year with Deputy County Commissioners as the heads of the units.

Dr Omollo noted that additional administrative units are meant to serve the public by bringing services close to the citizens.

He, however, urged the security agencies to work closely with the county-elected leaders in Migori to solve security issues along the Isebania-Sirare border.

By Geoffrey Makokha

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