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Government spokesperson calls on media to report responsively

Government Spokesperson, Col (Rtd) Cyrus Oguna, has called on the media to build the confidence of young people through highlighting the many opportunities the government has rolled out for the youth.

Oguna said the media has a capacity to build an enabling environment for the young people, who are the majority in the country, by encouraging them to take advantage of the many programmes to exploit their talents.

He spoke during a youth forum held at the Narok Youth Empowerment Hall, where he encouraged the youth not to only look back at the government, even in issues they can do for themselves but try to seek programmes that can build their talents.

“The media should build an environment of positivism by putting up programmes that encourage the young people that they too have the ability to achieve by themselves. The young people have the creativity and education to produce on their own,” noted the Spokesperson.

He said the work of the government is to produce a conducive enabling environment, which the government has done by enrolling many youth engagement programmes more than any other country in the East African region.

“Let media not focus too much on what may be negative, though there could be a few negatives, but there are so many positives, that can build the nation,” he reiterated.

He continued that Kenya has the best educated human resource in this region, challenging the young people not to remain idle but tap into the many opportunities available from the government.

Among the programmes available for youths are the equipped Youth Empowerment Centers in the sub-counties, Kenya Youth Employment Opportunities Project (KYEOP), the Youth Enterprise Development Fund (YEDF), Uwezo funds, Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO), Kazi Mtaani and Ajira digital.

Col. Oguna observed that though there were funds available for the young people to start or expand their businesses, very few youth visited the youth centers, to apply for the fund.

Narok North Deputy County Commissioner, Mutuku Mwenga, who accompanied the Spokesperson challenged the young people to invest in value addition of the farm produce so as to earn more money.

By Ann Salaton

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